2008.09.12 18:41
TransWarp Ventures has declared war on SOLAR FLEET.
After 24 hours fighting can legally occur between those involved.
публик канал TransWarp Ventures
[18:49:50] EVE System > Channel MOTD: Transwarp Ventures Public Diplomatic Channel.Diplomatic contacts are Mark Hamill and Liandan. Feel free to convo either of them for diplomatic matters.
[18:52:25] XBOCTATOE > hi ppl!
[18:53:43] PhOeN1x2k > is anyone here ??
[18:54:08] XBOCTATOE > silenc....in answer
[18:55:56] Hogen >
[18:56:42] PhOeN1x2k > tsss... imperium is in danger ! Agentrunners are working !!
[18:59:15] Daniel Grim > гы ьщку руку ерфт щззщтутеы Ж)
[18:59:22] Daniel Grim > shit )
[18:59:40] Daniel Grim > we will overflood you guys
[19:00:28] Millar Shout > fo fo fof fof fof fof fof &
[19:00:31] Millar Shout > &
[19:02:40] Millar Shout > where i need fly to kill you ?
[19:04:18] PhOeN1x2k > Do you like bbq ?
[19:05:30] Daniel Grim > вфьт
[19:05:39] Daniel Grim > цу ызуфлштп цшер вуфв зущзду
[19:05:42] Millar Shout > судя по количеству сдг это уже наш канала)
[19:05:48] Daniel Grim >
[19:05:50] PhOeN1x2k > шота они нихуя не разговорчивые ((
[19:05:53] Angry Romko > =)))
[19:05:58] XBOCTATOE > но они насм могут покикать
[19:05:59] Angry Romko > флудеры мля
[19:06:04] Daniel Grim > we trying to speak with dead people
[19:06:07] PhOeN1x2k > ХАХА.. лол ))
[19:06:36] Millar Shout > oooo im dead. i will be zombie 111111111
[19:06:38] XBOCTATOE > lst chance to peace...
[19:06:41] Daniel Grim > now I state: We win this war (in this channell)
[19:07:18] Daniel Grim > so R.I.P TWV
[19:08:02] PhOeN1x2k > We won, we won !!1 Yupeeee !!!
[19:08:11] Millar Shout > tomorrow start a week of fun. Killing TWV for they money
[19:08:34] PhOeN1x2k > Now it's yours channel !!
[19:20:11] PhOeN1x2k > Толстый пингвин робко прячет тело жирное в утесах.
[19:31:50] Angry Romko > мля, дофлудились
[19:32:03] XBOCTATOE > нехуй было сюда соваться
2008.09.12 19:31
The war between TransWarp Ventures and SOLAR FLEET is coming to an end. TransWarp Ventures has retracted the war against SOLAR FLEET. The war will be declared as being over after approximately 24 hours.